Friday, May 27, 2005

25 Word Challenge One Day Early!

Well, since I fully intend to start my weekend today, I thought I'd also offer up this week's challenge a day early: As always, the rules are quite simple... I'll get the story rolling along and you just place your contribution in the comment section....however, it must contain exactly 25 words NO MORE NO LESS! You can post as many additions to the storyline as you want, but no back to back comments! You owe all thanks and praise to my good friend, Feisty Christina. She thought up the idea in the first place and actually assented to my taking a turn as host -- silly, silly girl! Please remember to tune in next week as Yabu at Bad Bad JuJu hosts a new edition of the Challenge make sure to add your piece of the story next week as well. Here goes . . . I am counting on you all to move this story along!

Readying for this reunion of sorts, his pace slowed - today - the day he had to face his fears, face what he'd done many years ago . . .

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