Tuesday, May 24, 2005

10 Things I haven't done Meme

Tom at Hamstermotor nailed me with this meme. I am supposed to tell ya'll 10 things I haven't done so here goes . . . brace yerselves! 1. I have never eaten an organ of any animal; 2. I have never chewed, already chewed gum that I found on a chair; 3. I have never placed hexs or voodoo spells or curses of any kind on anyone, though I have wanted to many times; 4. I have never ridden a horse bare-back and nekkid; 5. I have never had relations with anyone of the same sex; 6. I have never gone skinny dipping under the bright shine of the moon on a warm summer's day; 7. I have never won more than $15 on the lottery, including scratch-off tickets; 8. I have never missed when shooting varmin from my kitchen window; 9. I have never missed the local annual county fair in my entire life; 10. I have never danced topless crowd surfed at an outdoor concert . . . wait, um, never mind - did that.

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