Monday, May 23, 2005

Jeff's Comment Party Is Still On!!

And now a small request, as Jeff toils at boot camp, he needs some lovin of the snail mail variety. Don't send goodies to him, he has to do push-ups for that. If ya'll are so inclined, drop Jeff a line. Here is his spamproof address (note remove the spamproofs and drop him a line): PFC Harr, Jeffrey EE CO 3-10 (2nd PLT)SPAMPROOF 495 Iowa Ave SPAMPROOF SPAMPROOF FLW, MO 65473 SPAMPROOF And, His latest letter home has been posted over at Oh Dark Thirty, give it a look and leave comments at his party while you are there. We are up to 201 and have quite a way to go! Join the fun for Jeffrey!

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